Recipes Featuring Nutmeg
- Bechamel Sauce | 3 Tbsps butter
3 Tbsps butter
3 Tbsps flour, sifted
1/4 tsp nutmeg
10 peppercorns
1 tsp salt
3 slices of onion
2 slices of carrot
2 sprigs parsley
2 sprigs thyme
Bay leaf
1/2 dozen mushroom, cut up
1 pint - Plain Sugar Cookies
1 1/2 cup butter
6 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup milk
10 tsps baking powder
12 cups flour
1/2 nutmeg
1 tsp salt - Mother Eve's Pudding
4 eggs
4 apples
1 1/2 cups bread crumbs
3/4 cup sugar
Pinch of salt
Slight grating of nutmeg - Spiced Vinegar
1 quart cider vinegar
1/2 ounce celery seed
1/3 ounce dried mint
1/3 ounce dried parsley
1 garlic
3 small onions
3 whole cloves
1 tsp whole pepper-corns
1 tsp nutmeg, grated
Salt to taste
1 - Pickled Butternuts and Walnuts
100 butternuts and walnuts
1 ounce black pepper
1 ounce ginger root
1/2 ounce cloves
1/2 ounce mace
1/2 ounce nutmeg
2 large spoonfuls mustard seed
1 gallon cider vinegar
- Spiced Plums
7 lbs plums
1 pint cider vinegar
4 lbs sugar
2 Tbsps broken cinnamon bark
1 Tbsp whole cloves
1 Tbsp broken nutmeg
- Plum Pudding | 1 pound currants
1 pound currants
1 pound raisins
1/2 pound beef suet chopped fine
1 pound fine bread crumbs
1/4 pound citron
1/8 pound blanched almonds
1 small teaspoon salt
8 eggs
1/2 pint milk
1 co - Cottage Pudding | 1 cup sugar
1 cup sugar
2 1/2 Tbsps lard & butter, mixed
1 egg, well beaten
1 large cup buttermilk
Baking soda
1 pint flour
2 Tbsps cream of tartar
- Winter Vegetable Soup
First group:
3 turnips, pared and sliced
3 carrots, scraped and sliced
3 onions, peeled and sliced
Bunch of celery, cut in pieces
3-4 leeks, cut in pieces
Second group:
1 clove garlic - Wine Whey | 9 eggs
9 eggs
3 or more tablespoonfuls of sugar
1 bottle of wine
1/2 a pint of water
1/2 pint of cold water;