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Nutmeg Recipes Page 17

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Recipes Featuring Nutmeg

  • English Plum Pudding
    1 lb stale bread 1 pint hot milk 1/2 lb sugar 8 egg yolks, beaten to a cream 1 lb raisins, stoned and floured 1 lb currants, washed and floured 1/4 lb citron, cut in strips and dredged with flou
  • Toast Pudding
    5-6 slices stale bread 1 egg, beaten 1 cup milk 1/4 tsp salt Butter For the raisin sauce: 1 1/2 cups water 1/3 cup raisins 1/4 cup brown or white sugar 1 tsp flour Salt Nutmeg 1 tsp butt
  • Crisp Cookies
    1 cup butter 2 cups sugar 3 eggs, well beaten 1 tsp baking soda 2 tsps cream of tartar 1 Tbsp milk 1 tsp nutmeg 1 tsp cinnamon Flour, sifted
  • Orange Pudding, No.2 | 5 sweet oranges
    5 sweet oranges 1/2 pint white sugar 1 pint milk Piece of butter as large as a nutmeg 3 egg yolks, well beaten 1 Tbsp cornstarch Flavoring 3 egg whites, beaten to a stiff froth 2 Tbsps sugar
  • Pear, Peach or Apple Pudding
    3/4 lb pears, pared Cloves Lemon or orange peel 2 cups water For the custard: 1 pint cream or milk 4 eggs Sugar Pinch of salt 1 Tbsp flour Nutmeg, grated
  • Rice Meringue
    For the pudding: 1 cup rice 1 quart milk 3 egg yolks, well beaten 3 Tbsps white sugar Nutmeg For the meringue: Lemon or vanilla flavoring 3 egg whites, well beaten 2 Tbsps sugar
  • Rice Pudding without Eggs
    2 quarts milk 2/3 cup rice 1 cup sugar Piece of butter as large as a walnut 1 tsp cinnamon A little nutmeg Pinch of salt
  • Custard | 6 egg yolks, beaten
    6 egg yolks, beaten 4 ounces sugar 1 quart milk Preserved orange, lemon or citron Whipped cream Nutmeg, grated
  • Sweet Potato Pudding
    2 lbs sweet potato 1/2 lb sugar 1/2 lb butter 1/2 cup cream 1/2 cup strong wine or brandy 1 nutmeg, grated A little lemon peel 4 eggs, lightly beaten Puff paste Bits of preserved citron, thin
  • Queen's Cake | 1/2 lb butter
    1/2 lb butter 1/2 lb sugar 7-1/2 ounces flour Nutmeg, grated Cinnamon 5 egg yolks, beaten very light 5 egg whites, beaten to a stiff froth
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