Custard Recipes Page 21
<< Previous Page | 468 Recipes | Next Page >>Recipes Featuring Custard
- Bread and Butter Pudding | Bread
Bread Butter Raisins Custard 2 eggs Pint and a half of milk Sugar - Pear Flummery
Lady fingers Custard Sliced and sugared pears Eggs Pulverized sugar - Cake Pudding | Cake
Cake Lemonade Soft custard Meringue - Cake Pudding | Small sponge cakes
Small sponge cakes Butter Marmalade or preserves Cake Custard - Plumbiere
Custard Wine Lemon extract Blanched almonds Chopped citron Brandy peaches, cut up - Cream Filling for Cake | 1 cup thick cornstarch custard
1 cup thick cornstarch custard 1/2 cup stewed prunes, chopped Walnuts, chopped - Crystal Palace Cream
Custard 1/4 ounce gelatin 2 sponge cakes 2 macaroons 2 Tbsps milk - Coffee Ice Cream
2 cups custard 1/2 cup strong coffee 1/2 cup cream or milk Sugar - Coconut Rice Pudding
1 cup of rice 1 pint of milk 5 eggs 1 cup of white sugar 1 pint of milk Salt Lemon Coconut Custard - Gelatin Pudding
1/2 box gelatin 1/2 pint boiling water 8 ounces sugar Juice of 2 lemons 5 egg whites For the custard: 5 egg yolks 1 quart milk Sugar Vanilla extract