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Cayenne Recipes Page 8

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Recipes Featuring Cayenne

  • Mushrooms on Toast
    1 quart mushrooms 1 ounce butter 1/2 lb raw steak, minced 1/4 tsp salt Pinch of cayenne 1/2 cup hot water Slices of toast
  • Cucumber Sauce | 8 quarts cucumbers, pared & diced
    8 quarts cucumbers, pared & diced 4 large, white onions - sliced in rings 1 pint salt 1 Tbsp black pepper 1 tsp cayenne 3-4 blades of mace 4 Tbsp Madeira wine 8 Tbsp sweet oil Cider vinegar
  • Scalloped Scallops
    1 pint scallops 1 cup mushrooms, chopped 2 tablespoons onion 4 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons flour 1 cup cream 1/2 cup scallop liquid salt, pepper, cayenne
  • Chile Sauce
    6 tomatoes, chopped 1 onion, minced 1 1/2 cup vinegar Chile pepper to taste 4 green peppers, cut in pieces 1 Tbsp sugar Few grains cayenne
  • Langosta a la Catalana
    Lobster meat 4 large onions, chopped Bunch of parsley, chopped 4 cloves garlic, mashed 1/2 cup olive oil Salt Cayenne 1 cup washed rice 1 Tbsp capers Whole pimentos
  • French Dressing No. 2 | 1/2 teaspoon mustard
    1/2 teaspoon mustard 1 teaspoons salt 1/4 teaspoon paprika few grains cayenne 1/2 teaspoons finely minced onion 6 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons vinegar
  • Bisque of Shrimps, Bretonne
    1 quart shrimps 2 tbsps. onion 3 tbsps. butter 2 cups white stock 1 tbsp. carrot 2 tbsps. celery 1/4 cup chopped mushrooms salt and cayenne 1 cup white wine
  • Royal Custard
    Yolks 3 eggs 1 egg 1/2 cup Consomme 1/8 teaspoon salt Slight grating nutmeg Few grains cayenne
  • Tomato Catsup, No.1 | 2 quarts tomato pulp or 2 cans canned tomatoes
    2 quarts tomato pulp or 2 cans canned tomatoes 1 onion, finely cut 2 Tbsps salt 3 Tbsps brown sugar 2 Tbsps mustard 1 Tbsp allspice 1 Tbsp black pepper 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 tsp ground cloves 1/2
  • Shrimp Sauce | 2/3 of a cup of chopped shrimps
    2/3 of a cup of chopped shrimps 1 cup drawn butter sauce Pinch of cayenne Few drops of lemon juice
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