Recipes Featuring Capers
- Caper Sauce | 1 quart of allemande sauce
1 quart of allemande sauce
1 cupful of capers - Sauce Tartare
1 tablespoon butter
dry mustard
1 egg yolk
salt and pepper
sugar to taste
few drops onion juice
1 tablespoons olives, small cucumbers, and capers
- Sauce Piquante
1 heaping tablespoon butter
vegetable stock
2 olives
1 heaping tablespoon flour
1 small cucumbers pickle
a few capers
salt and pepper to taste
- White Caper Sauce
1 Tbsp butter
Meat broth
1 Tbsp flour
1/2 cup French capers, finely cut - Herring Salad in Mayonnaise
2 large salt herrings
1 hard-cooked egg, chopped
1 tablespoon chopped capers
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
2 raw egg yolk
1 cup olive oil
lemon juice
tomato sauce
- Pickle and Onion Stuffing for Fish
1 cup cracker crumbs
3 tablespoons melted butter
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 small onion, minced
1 teaspoon minced parsley
1 teaspoon minced capers
1 teaspoon minced sour pickles
1 tablespoons A-1 sauc - Jellied Herring
Cold cooked and boned herring
Thin Slices preserved cucumbers
Sliced tomatoes
Sliced hard-cooked eggs
2 envelopes plain gelatine
1 quart white wine
- Caper Sauce
Capers, chopped
1/2 pint drawn butter (see Drawn Butter Sauce recipe)
1 large spoonful caper juice - Sauce Piquant
4 Tbsp butter
5 1/2 Tbsp flour
2 cups hot brown stock
1/2 tsp salt
1/8 tsp pepper
1 Tbsp chives, finely chopped
1 Tbsp olives, finely chopped
1 Tbsp mild red pepper, finely chopped
1 Tbsp pick - Steamed Halibut, Silesian Sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons vinegar
1/8 teaspoon powdered tarragon
3 peppercorns
Bit of Bay Leaf
Sprig of parsley
1/2 teaspoon finely chopped shallot
Yolks 3 eggs
2/3 cup Brown Stock
1/4 cup butter
1 T