Brandy Recipes Page 12
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- Rich Plum Cake, or Wedding Cake
4 pounds flour 3 1/2 pound butter 3 1/2 pounds sugar 36 eggs, leaving out twelve whites 2 pounds citron 2 pounds orange 2 pounds lemon 4 pounds almonds mixed with as much sugar 4 pounds raisin - Currant Shrub | 4 quarts currant juice
4 quarts currant juice 1 quart water Sugar, sifted Brandy - Shrewsbury Cake | 1 pound of flour
1 pound of flour 3/4 pound of sugar 3/4 pound of butter 4 eggs 1 nutmeg 1 glassful of brandy - Foam Sauce
1/2 cup butter 1 cup white sugar 1 egg 6 tablespoons 1 wineglass of brandy - Cardinal Punch | 4 cups water
4 cups water 2 cups sugar 2/3 cups orange juice 1/3 cup lemon juice 1/4 cup brandy 1/4 cup Curacao 1/4 cup tea infusion - Brandied Peaches | Peaches, pared
Peaches, pared Sugar White French brandy - Brandied Peaches or Pears
4 lbs peaches or pears, peeld 4 lbs sugar 1 pint brandy - Orange Marmalade | Seville oranges
Seville oranges Rinds of the orange Loaf-sugar 1 glasses with brandy - Eggnog | 1 egg
1 egg 2/3 cup milk 1 Tbsp sugar 1 Tbsp rum or brandy Pinch of salt - Brandied Peaches | White, cling-stoned peaches
White, cling-stoned peaches Sugar White French brandy