Peaches Recipes Page 4
<< Previous Page | 184 Recipes | Next Page >>Recipes Featuring Peaches
- Pickled Peaches | Peaches
Peaches Brine Allspice Pepper Ginger Horseradish Turmeric Vinegar - Peaches and Rice
Rice Sugar Pared and sliced peaches Cream - Preserved Peaches | Peaches
Peaches Sugar - Brandied Peaches or Pears
4 lbs peaches or pears, peeld 4 lbs sugar 1 pint brandy - Junket Ice Cream with Peaches
1 cup cream 1 1/2 quart milk 1 1/2 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 junket tablets 1 tablespoon cold water 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 teaspoon almond extract Green coloring Canned peaches - Preserved Peaches for Shells or Pies
Peaches Light brown sugar - Pineapple-Stuffed Peaches
Large, firm peaches Crushed Pineapple 4 cups sugar 2 cups vinegar 1 tablespoon stick cinnamon pieces 1 1/2 teaspoons whole cloves 1 teaspoon allspice - Brandy Peaches
12 lbs large freestone Heath peaches, not quite ripe & pared 4 lbs sugar Whiskey or brandy - Dried Peaches
Peaches Light brown sugar Syrup molasses - Canned Peaches | Peaches, pared
Peaches, pared Sugar