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Ketchup Recipes Page 2

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Recipes Featuring Ketchup

  • Stewed Fish
    Fish 1/2 a tumbler of wine Pepper and salt 3 or 4 onions Crust of bread toasted 1 anchovy Lump of butter Flour Ketchup Walnut pickle
  • Mushroom Sauce | Butter
    Butter 1 heaping tablespoon of sifted flour 1 pint of hot stock, broth, or hot water 4 teaspoons of mushroom ketchup Juice of 1 lemon
  • A Good Beef Gravy for Poultry, Game, etc.
    1/2 a pound lean beef 1 pint of cold water 1 shalot or small onion 1/2 a teaspoonful of salt pepper 1 tablespoonful of store sauce or mushroom ketchup 1 teaspoonful of arrowroot
  • Stewed Rabbit | 1 rabbit
    1 rabbit 2 large onions, sliced 6 cloves 1 small teaspoonful of chopped lemon peel a few forcemeat balls thickening of butter and flour 1 large tablespoonful of mushroom ketchup
  • Hashed Mutton | Mutton
    Mutton 1 pint of gravy or broth 1 spoonful of mushroom ketchup 1 spoonful of browning Onion Pepper Salt Flour Butter
  • Beef Olives | Rump of beef
    Rump of beef Yolk of an egg Pepper Salt Ground mace Bread Crumbs 2 ounces of marrow sliced fine Chopped parsley 1/2 a lemon rind, grated 1 pint of gravy 1 teaspoonful of ketchup 1 teaspoonf
  • Fried Beefsteaks No.2 | Steaks
    Steaks Butter 1/2 pint of water Onion sliced Walnut ketchup Little caper liquor Pepper and salt Flour
  • Pheasants and Partridges- Roasted
    Pheasants or partridges Flour Butter Scrag of mutton 1 teaspoonful of ketchup 1 teaspoonful of lemon pickle
  • Sweet-Breads Broiled
    Sweetbreads Pepper Salt Powdered mace Toast Melted butter Mace Wine Mushroom ketchup
  • Beef Kidney No. 2 | kidney, cut into this slices
    kidney, cut into this slices flour a small piece of butter 1/4 pint of boiling water salt and pepper to taste 1 tablespoonful of mushroom ketchup
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