Recipes Featuring Custard
- Apple Custard Pie, No.2 | 8 ounces sweet apples, pared and grated
8 ounces sweet apples, pared and grated
2 eggs, well beaten
2 Tbsps sugar
1 Tbsp butter, melted
Rind of 1 lemon, grated
Half the juice of 1 lemon
2 Tbsps brandy
4 ounces milk
- Tapioca Custard
1/2 cup tapioca
2 cup milk
2 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon vanilla - Apple Custard Pudding | 6 sour apples
6 sour apples
1/2 cup water
3 pints milk
6 eggs
4 Tbsps sugar
- Baked Custard
2 Eggs
2 Tablespoon Sugar
Pinch of salt
2 cups milk
1/2 teaspoon vanilla - Apple Custard Pie
3 large tart apples
1/2 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 pint milk
Nutmeg or cinnamon to taste
Paste - Custard Pie | 4 egg yolks, beaten
4 egg yolks, beaten
4 Tbsps sugar
Nutmeg or vanilla
4 egg whites, beaten
Pinch of salt
1 quart milk
- Lemon Custard
1 pint of white wine
1/2 pound of double refined sugar
Juice of 2 lemons
Outer rind, lemon
Inner rind, lemon
4 yolks
2 whites of eggs
- Chocolate Custard Pie, No.1 | 1/4 cake of chocolate, grated
1/4 cake of chocolate, grated
1 pint boiling water
6 eggs, separated
1 quart milk
1/2 cup white sugar
2 tsps vanilla
Puff paste
2 Tbsps sugar - Custard Pudding Boiled
Stick or two of cinnamon
1 quart of thin cream
1/4 pound of sugar
Yolks of 6 eggs
White wine - Frosted Custard Pie
1 pint of milk
3 eggs
2 tablespoons of sugar
2 spoonfuls powdered sugar