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Celery Recipes Page 3

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Recipes Featuring Celery

  • Sweet Chili Sauce with Celery
    1 pk ripe tomatoes 4 bunches celery 3 cups vinegar 3 cups brown sugar 1/2 cup salt (small) 1/4 pound whole mixed spice 1 teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon mustard
  • Celery Gravy for "Pelav"
    2 pounds lamb 1 tablespoon lard 2 large heads of celery 2 large onions sliced 2 tablespoons lard Salt, pepper 1 teaspoon curry powder 3 large sliced tomatoes
  • Celery Soup | White part of 3 heads of celery
    White part of 3 heads of celery 1/2 lb rice 1 onion 1 quart stock 2 quarts milk Pepper Salt Roux
  • Cod Fish Roe with Celery
    Rinse roe, tie in a bag so as not to crumble and cook slowly in salt water about 30 minutes. Let cool in juice then remove and drain on cloth. Slice, dip in egg and bread crumbs, and fry in butter.
  • Celery Soup
    1/2 dozen heads of celery, cut into little pieces 4 pints white stock (see White Stock recipe) 1/4 lb lean ham 2 ounces butter Few spoonfuls cream Flour (optional) Seasoning
  • Scalloped Celery
    3 cups celery, cut in inch pieces 4 Tbsps butter 3 Tbsps flour 2 cups hot milk 1/2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp white pepper 1/2 cup cheese, grated Bread crumbs
  • Celery Sauce | 3 cups celery, cut in thin slices
    3 cups celery, cut in thin slices 2 cups Thin White Sauce
  • Fried Celery | Celery
    Celery Salted water Fritter batte Fat Parsley Tomato sauce Nutmeg Egg Breadcrumbs
  • Celery Cream
    3-4 heads of nice white celery, cut into small pieces 3 pints of milk 1 tablespoon flour salt and pepper to taste
  • Stewed Celery
    Celery Slice of lemon Little crushed mace Butter Flour Yolks of 2 eggs Grate in half a nutmeg 1 teacup of good cream
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