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Carrots Recipes Page 25

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Recipes Featuring Carrots

  • Rice Soup with Vegetables
    Rice water Carrots, diced Celery tops Green onion Sprig of parsley Other green vegetables Salt White pepper Cooked peas or string beans
  • Cheese Soup | 1 1/2 cups milk
    1 1/2 cups milk 1/2 cup carrots, cooked & diced 1/4 tsp salt 1/4 cup grated cheese 1 egg, beaten 1/4 tsp ground mace Cayenne
  • Oven-Roasted Root Vegetables
    Vegetable cooking spray 3 medium red potatoes, cut into 1-inch pieces 2 cups whole baby carrots, fresh or frozen 1 lb celery root, peeled & cut into 1-inch pieces 1 rutabaga (3 lbs), peeled & cut
  • Health Salad
    1 head cabbage, chopped 2 medium-sized carrots, chopped 2 small cucumbers, chopped 1 cup English peas 1 bell pepper, chopped fine 1 stalk celery, chopped 1 cup vinegar 1 tablespoon salt 1 cup
  • Lentil Cream Soup
    1/2 pound green lentils 8 tablespoons chopped carrots 8 tablespoons grated onion 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon celery seed 2 tablespoons butter 3 pints water 1 cup cream
  • Irish Stew
    2 1/4 pounds lamb 1 1/4 cups diced carrots 1 1/4 cups diced turnips 1 1/4 cups sliced onions 1 quart diced potatoes 2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper 1/4 cup flour 1/4 cup water All-Bran
  • Stewed Leg of Mutton
    Leg of mutton Slices of salt pork or bacon Trimmings of uncooked veal 3 carrots, scraped & cut in slices 1/2 inch thick 3 onions, sliced Bunch of parsley Bunch of thyme Pepper Salt Browned fl
  • Scotch Mutton Broth | 2 quarts water
    2 quarts water Neck of mutton 4-5 carrots 4-5 turnips 3 onions 4 large spoonfuls Scotch barley Salt to taste Parsley, chopped
  • Gumbo Soup | 5-6 lbs knuckle of veal
    5-6 lbs knuckle of veal 2 ounces butter 1/2 lb lean ham, cut in small pieces 2 large onions 6 cloves 2 small red peppers 2 carrots, grated 2 turnips, cut in small pieces 1 head of celery, cut
  • Knuckle of Veal Soup
    1/2 lb bacon, thinly sliced 4-5 lbs knuckle of veal 2 carrots, cut in pieces 2 turnips, cut in pieces Head of celery, cut in pieces 2 large onions 6 cloves 1 dozen black peppercorns Bunch of t
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