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Brandy Recipes Page 3

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Recipes Featuring Brandy

  • Mock Turtle Soup | Beef, boiled & finely chopped
    Beef, boiled & finely chopped Potatoes Mace Cloves Cinnamon Parsley Thyme Spice Celery seed 10 hard boiled eggs Pepper Salt Flour Brandy Wine
  • John Bull's Own Plum Pudding
    1 pound suet 1 pound moist sugar 1 pound currants 1 pound raisins 1 pound sultana raisins 1 pound mixed candied peel 1/2 pound bread crumbs 1/2 pound flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon mixed sp
  • Loaf Cake | 4 lbs dough, ready to bake
    4 lbs dough, ready to bake 2 lbs sugar 1 lb butter 5 eggs, beaten 2 lbs raisins, seeded Cinnamon Nutmeg 1/2 cup brandy
  • Plum Pudding-Baked
    1 loaf of baker's bread 3 pints of warm milk Butter 1/2 pound of raisins 6 eggs 1/2 pound of currants Citron Nutmeg Brandy Wine sauce
  • Milk Punch | 1 cup milk
    1 cup milk 1 teaspoon sugar 4 teaspoons of sherry, brandy or Maderia few grains nutmeg
  • Boiled Custards
    1 quart milk Peel of a lemon, cut very thin Stick of cinnamon 8 egg yolks 4 egg whites Sugar Nutmeg, grated Brandy or 4 Tbsp wine (optional)
  • Prince Albert's Pudding
    2 ounces suet, finely shredded 4 ounces breadcrumbs Nutmeg 4 ounces currants, washed & dried 5 eggs 1 Tbsp brandy 2 Tbsp sugar Peel of half a lemon, grated 2 egg whites 1/2 lb powdered sugar
  • Arrowroot Gruel
    1 Tbsp arrowroot 1 cup milk 1/4 tsp salt 2 Tbsp brandy or wine A very little sugar, if desired
  • Pumpkin Pudding | 1 quart pumpkin, stewed & strained
    1 quart pumpkin, stewed & strained 1/2 pint cream 1 cup sifted sugar 3 ounces butter 4 Tbsp wine 4 Tbsp brandy 1/3 nutmeg, grated 1/4 tsp powdered cinnamon 8 eggs, whites & yolks beaten very l
  • Easter Egg Nog
    2 cups thick cream, whipped 2 egg yolks 5 tablespoons sugar 1/2 cup brandy 2 egg whites
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