Apricot Recipes Page 5
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- Tartlets, No.2 | Puff paste
Puff paste 1 egg white Sugar Apricot jam, marmalade or red currant jelly - Chocolate Vienna Cake
3/4 cup butter 7/8 cup sugar Yolks 5 eggs 4 squares Baker's chocolate 1 1/2 cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder Whites 5 eggs Apricot or Orange Marmalade - RUSSIAN CHICKEN
1 pkg. dry onion soup 8 oz. bottle red Russian dressing 8 oz. jar apricot preserves Cut up chicken or 6 breast - Foamy Sauce | 3 Tbsps apricot marmalade or peach preserve
3 Tbsps apricot marmalade or peach preserve Juice of 1 lemon 1 cup boiling water 2 Tbsps cornstarch 2 Tbsps cold water 1 egg white Sugar, if required - Banana-and-Apricot Mousse
1 cup banana puree 1 cup apricot puree Juice of 1 lemon 1 cup water 1 cup sugar 2 teaspoon gelatine 1 pint heavy cream - Fruit Souffle | 3/4 cup fruit pulp, peach, apricot, or quince
3/4 cup fruit pulp, peach, apricot, or quince Whites 3 eggs Sugar Few grains salt - Apple Charlotte | Apples
Apples Sugar Lemon flavoring Fried bread - Tapioca Apricots
3 tablespoons tapioca 2 tablespoons sugar 1 cup whipped cream 2 cups milk 1/2 teaspoon almond extract macaroons - Peach Marmalade
4 pounds peaches 4 pounds sugar juice 2 lemons - Fruit Jelly Sauce
8 ounce jar fruit jelly Sugar 1 small stick cinnamon 3/4 lemon 3 cups water 1 1/2 tablespoons cornstarch 1/2 cup white wine