Scalloped Recipes
78 Recipes Next Page >>Recipes Featuring Scalloped
- Scalloped Onions | 6-8 onions
6-8 onions Butter Buttered breadcrumbs Salt Pepper Milk - Scalloped Cucumbers
4 firm cucumbers Bread Crumbs Grated Onions Butter 1 cup sweet milk 1 egg Grated cheese Seasoning - Scalloped Apples
1 bowl sweet apples 1 bowl fresh bread 1/4 to 1/2 cup butter sugar - Scalloped Veal
Veal Pepper Salt Nutmeg Cracker crumbs Milk - Scalloped Oysters | Oysters
Oysters Butter Pepper Salt Flour Cracker crumbs - Oysters Scalloped in the Shell
Oysters Butter, melted Parsley, minced Pepper Lemon juice Bread crumbs - Scalloped Cheese
3 slices of bread, well-buttered 1/4 pound any cheese, finely grated Salt Pepper 4 eggs, well beaten 3 cups milk - Scalloped Chicken
Chicken, cut up Flour Butter Salt Bread crumbs Cooked potatoes, sliced Gravy - Scalloped Potatoes (Kentucky Style)
Potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly Salt Pepper Butter Onion, finely chopped (optional) Flour 1 quart hot milk - Scalloped Clams
1 dozen large soft clams in the shell 3 dozen opened clams White pepper Celery, minced Slice of bacon, diced Powdered crackers Butter
About Scalloped
- Scalloped usually means thin-sliced and cooked in a cream sauce
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