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Pickle Recipes Page 18

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Recipes Featuring Pickle

  • A Cheap Gravy for Hashes
    1/4 teaspoonful of salt 1/4 teaspoonful of whole pepper 1/4 teaspoonful of whole allspice small faggot of savory herbs 1/2 a head of celery 1 onion 1 ounce of butter flour
  • Walnut Catsup | 1 quart walnut liquor
    1 quart walnut liquor 1 ounce allspice 1 ounce black pepper 1 ounce ginger, finely bruised 1 pint vinegar 1 ounce salt 8 eschalots or 1 ounce horseradish
  • Picalilli
    Small cucumbers Button onions Small bunches of cauliflower Carrots Ginger Grapes Strips of horseradish Radishes Bean pods Cayenne pods 4 quarts vinegar 4 Tbsps salt 4 Tbsps mustard 4 Tbsp
  • Salamagundi Salad
    2 cups cold diced cooked meat 1/2 cup cooked diced potatoes 1/2 cup cooked diced carrots 1/2 cup cooked fresh peas 1/2 cup cooked string beans 1/2 cup French dressing 1 medium-sized onion, mince
  • Pickled Oysters | 100 oysters
    100 oysters Pickled Sauce: Vinegar 1 blade of pounded mace 12 cloves Lemon peel
  • Spiced Round of Beef
    Round of beef 3 Tbsp saltpetre 4 Tbsp brown sugar 8 ounces salt 4 ounces cloves 4 ounces allspice, finely ground
  • Corned Shoulder of Mutton
    Small shoulder of mutton 2 ounces salt 2 ounces sugar 1/2 ounce saltpetre
  • Stewed Ducks | Ducks
    Ducks Bread Butter Onion Flour Lard Bacon Giblets Pepper Salt Clove or mace (optional) Juice of green grapes or lemon
  • Mangoes | 3 gallon jar of mangoes
    3 gallon jar of mangoes 4 ounces black pepper 1 ounce allspice 1/2 ounce ginger 1/2 ounce mace 1/2 ounce cloves, beat well but not fine 1 head cabbage 8 onions 8 ounces horseradish 1 quart mu
  • Pickled Walnuts | Walnuts
    Walnuts Brine Vinegar
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