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Pickle Recipes Page 16

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Recipes Featuring Pickle

  • Pickled Cucumbers | Cucumbers
    Cucumbers Salt 1 Tbsp alum 1 gallon vinegar 1 Tbsp mace 1 Tbsp cinnamon 1 Tbsp peppercorns 1 Tbsp white mustard seed 1 Tbsp black mustard seed 1 Tbsp horseradish, grated 1 tsp turmeric 2 1/
  • Broiled Mutton
    Leg of mutton Salt 1/2 onion 1 heaping tsp black pepper
  • Salamagundi Salad
    2 cups cold diced cooked meat 1/2 cup cooked diced potatoes 1/2 cup cooked diced carrots 1/2 cup cooked fresh peas 1/2 cup cooked string beans 1/2 cup French dressing 1 medium-sized onion, mince
  • Spiced Round of Beef
    Round of beef 3 Tbsp saltpetre 4 Tbsp brown sugar 8 ounces salt 4 ounces cloves 4 ounces allspice, finely ground
  • Pickled Cucumbers | Cucumbers
    Cucumbers Salt Green cabbage leaves Green ginger root, sliced Cloves of garlic Blades of mace Cider vinegar Whole cloves Allspice Alum
  • Oysters Pickled No. 1 | Oysters
    Oysters Salt Egg Allspice Cloves Mace Pepper Vinegar
  • Black Stew
    Any boiled or roasted meat, cut up 1 Tbsp currant jelly 1 Tbsp wine 1 large spoonful butter 1/2 onion, chopped Pepper Salt
  • Beef Cured
    6 pounds of salt 2 pounds of brown sugar 2 ounces of saltpetre 4 gallons of water 1 barrel of beef
  • Hams Cured
    12 hams 8 pounds of brown sugar 5 pounds of fine salt 1/4 pound of saltpetre
  • Tripe | Tripe
    Tripe Baked potatoes Butter Piquant meat sauces Salt Vinegar Lard
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