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Parsley Recipes Page 91

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Recipes Featuring Parsley

  • Beef Croquettes | 2 cups beef, very finely chopped
    2 cups beef, very finely chopped Salt Pepper Celery salt Nutmeg, grated (optional) 1 egg, beaten Tomato sauce Bread crumbs For the tomato sauce: 1 Tbsp water 2 Tbsps butter 2 Tbsps flour
  • Spiced Beef | 8 lbs thin flank of beef or brisket
    8 lbs thin flank of beef or brisket 1 tsp sweet marjoram 1 tsp cloves & allspice, powdered & mixed 1/2 tsp mace, powdered Bunch of parsley, finely minced 1 large onion, very finely chopped 1/2 t
  • Carrot Soup | carrots
    carrots 2 slices onion sprig parsley 1/4 cup rice 4 tbsps. butter 11/2 tsps. salt few grains cayenne 2 cups water 2 cups scalded milk 2 tbsps. flour
  • Ham Omelet | White sauce
    White sauce 4 Tbsps cooked ham, chopped 4 eggs, whites & yolks beaten separately Salt Pepper 1 Tbsp butter Parsley (optional) For the white sauce: 1 1/2 Tbsps butter 1 1/2 Tbsps flour 1/4
  • Chicken Soufflé | 1 cup white sauce
    1 cup white sauce Parsley Thyme Onion 1 cup cooked chicken or a mixture of veal & chicken or ham & chicken, chopped 2-3 eggs, whites & yolks beaten separately Butter For the white sauce: 3 T
  • Sauce Tartare | Dry ingredients:
    Dry ingredients: 1/2 tsp powdered sugar 1/4 tsp dry mustard 1/4 tsp salt Very little cayenne pepper Other: 1 egg yolk 1/2 cup salad oil 2 Tbsps lemon juice Capers, chopped Olives, chopped
  • Salmon Soup | Canned or boiled salmon
    Canned or boiled salmon 1 cup fish pulp 1 cup liquid Salt Pepper 2 cups white sauce (see White Sauce for Omelets, Cream Soups & Toast recipe) Parsley, finely minced or 1 Tbsp hot, green peas
  • Broiled Sardines on Toast
    Toast Butter, melted Sardines, broiled Parsley Lemon, sliced
  • Warmed Over Baked Beans
    Pork Baked beans Parsley
  • Stuffed Shoulder of Mutton
    1 good sized shoulder of mutton 1 cup bread crumbs 1 Tbsp chopped parsley Grated rind of half a lemon 1 Tbsp chopped suet or drippings Salt and pepper to taste 1 egg
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