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Lemon juice Recipes Page 58

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Recipes Featuring Lemon juice

  • Apple Flamingo
    8 apples (red) 2 cups sugar 1 cup water 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons lemon juice 2 tablespoons orange juice grated rind one half lemon grated rind one half orange
  • Frozen Watermelon Punch or Ice
    1 quart watermelon juice 1/4 cup lemon juice 1 cup pulverized sugar
  • Chicken Croquettes 2 | 2 cups of chicken
    2 cups of chicken Sauce: 3 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons flour 1 cup stock 1 cup cream or milk Salt to taste 1 tablespoon chopped parsley 2 tablespoons lemon juice Pepper Celery Onion
  • Tungeomelet
    Tongue Mushrooms 3 ounces butter 5 Tbsps flour 1 2/3 cups bouillon 2 anchovies, cleaned & finely ground 1 tsp lemon juice 1/2 tsp onion, finely chopped
  • Tomato Catsup | Ripe tomatoes
    Ripe tomatoes Vinegar Garlic, sliced Salt White pepper Lemon juice
  • Orange Frappe
    1 cup sugar2 cups water 1 cup orange juice pulp of four oranges 4 tablespoons lemon juice
  • Lemon Meringue Pie | 1/2 cup margarine or butter
    1/2 cup margarine or butter 1 1/2 cups flour 1/4 tsp salt 2/3 cup ice water For the filling: 1 cup sugar 4 Tbsps flour Pinch of salt 2 eggs, separated 1 cup boiling water 2 Tbsps lemon jui
  • Lemon Jelly | 1/2 box gelatine or
    1/2 box gelatine or 2 tablespoons granulated gelatine 1/2 cup cold water 2 1/2 cups boiling water 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup lemon juice
  • Lemon Jelly Filling
    2 lemons Lemon juice 2 cups sugar 2 eggs, separated 2 Tbsps flour, sifted 1 Tbsp butter, melted
  • Shrimp Salad
    Shrimp Mushrooms Macaroni Mayonnaise Lemon Juice Mustard Lettuce Tomato
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