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Brandy Recipes Page 26

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Recipes Featuring Brandy

  • Rich Plum Pudding
    9 eggs, beaten to a froth Flour 1 pint milk 2 lbs raisins, stoned 2 lbs currants, washed, picked & dried 1/4 lb bitter almonds, blanched & divided 3/4 lb brown sugar 3/4 lb beef suet, finely ch
  • Eggnog
    1 egg 1 teaspoon sugar salt 2 tablespoons wine, whiskey or brandy 1 cup cream
  • Harrison Cake
    5 cups flour 5 eggs, whites & yolks beaten separately 1-1/2 cups butter 1-1/2 cups sugar 1 cup molasses 1 cup milk 1 tsp baking soda, dissolved in the milk 4 Tbsp brandy 1 lb raisins, seeded
  • Jumbles | 1 lb butter
    1 lb butter 1 lb sugar 4 Tbsp brandy Nutmeg, grated 1 lb flour 4 eggs, beaten light
  • Whortleberry Cordial
    2 quarts whortleberry juice 1 lb loaf sugar 4 nutmegs, grated 1/4 ounce ground cloves 1/4 ounce ground allspice 1/4 ounce ground cinnamon 1 pint French brandy or whiskey
  • Almond Shrub
    3 gallons of rum or brandy 3 quarts of orange-juice 3 lemons peel 3 pounds of loaf-sugar 4 ounces of bitter almonds
  • Blackberry Cordial | Berries
    Berries Brandy Spice and sugar
  • Currant Shrub
    Currants 1 pound of loaf-sugar 1 gill of brandy
  • Cherry Bounce | Cherries
    Cherries 1/2 gallon of water 2 pounds of sugar 1/2 gallon of brandy
  • Peach Cordial
    3 dozen ripe peaches Peach kernels 4 pounds of loaf-sugar 1 quart of water 2 gallons of peach brandy
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