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Brandy Recipes Page 21

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Recipes Featuring Brandy

  • Hunting Pudding
    8 eggs 1 pint of good cream 1 pound of flour 1 pound of beef suet chopped very fine 1 pound of currants well cleaned 1/2 pound of raisins stoned 1/4 pound of powdered sugar 2 ounces of candied
  • Nameless Pudding
    1 cupful of butter 3 cupfuls of sugar 5 cupful of flour 1 cupful of milk 5 eggs 1 wine glassful of rose brandy 1/2 nutmeg, grated 2 teaspoonful of cream of tartar 1 teaspoonful of carbonate of
  • Orange Pudding No. 2 | Orange
    Orange 1/4 pound of butter 1/2 pound of fine sugar 7 eggs 1 glass of brandy Wine Rose-water
  • Pumpkin Pudding
    3 pints of pumpkin 1/4 pound of butter 8 eggs 1/2 pint of cream 1/2 pint of milk 1 glass of brandy 1 glass of wine Cinnamon Nutmeg Sugar
  • Orange Custard | Rind of 1/2 a Seville Orange
    Rind of 1/2 a Seville Orange 1 spoonful of the best brandy Juice of an orange 4 ounces of loaf sugar Yolks of 4 eggs 1 pint of boiling cream
  • Bread Cheese-Cake
    Small loaf 1 pint of boiling cream 8 eggs 1/2 pound of butter Nutmeg 1/2 pound of currants 1 spoonful of brandy
  • Cheesecake No.1 | 2 1/2 pounds of sugar
    2 1/2 pounds of sugar Butter 4 eggs Cinnamon Nutmeg 1 glass of wine Brandy Rose-water 1 gill of milk 5 eggs Bread
  • Buns | 1/2 pounds of flour
    1/2 pounds of flour 1/2 pound of butter 4 teacupful of milk 1/2 wine-glassful of brandy 1/2 wine-glassful of wine 1/2 wine-glassful of rose-water 1 wine-glassful of yeast 1/2 pound of sugar 1/
  • Dutch Cake
    2 1/2 pounds of flour 3/4 pound of sugar 1 pint of milk 6 ounces of butter 1 tablespoon of yeast 4 eggs 1 tablespoonful of cinnamon 1 wine-glassful of brandy 1/2 pound each of currants and rai
  • English Buns
    2 quarts of milk 4 pounds of flour 8-9 eggs 1/2 pound of butter 1/2 pounds of sugar 1/2 gill of brandy. Rose-water Cinnamon Prange-peel Nutmeg
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