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Almonds Recipes Page 5

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Recipes Featuring Almonds

  • Cinnamon Circles
    1 1/4 cups almonds 2 egg whites 1 cup powdered sugar 1/3 grated lemon rind 1 tsp cinnamon 1 cup confectioners' sugar Water 1/2 tsp vanilla
  • Doughboy Sticks
    1/2 pound butter 6 eggs 3/4 pound powdered sugar 1/2 pound seedless raisins 1/2 pound whole, blanched almonds flour
  • Double Boiler Chocolate Crumb Pudding
    2 ounce sweet chocolate 1/4 cup butter 1/2 cup milk 4 egg yolks, beaten 1/2 cup sugar 2 cups soft bread crumbs 1 cup blanched almonds, shredded 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten
  • Plum Cake
    2 pounds raisins 2 pounds currants 1 pound brown sugar 1/2 pound blanched almonds 1/4 pound citron, sliced 1/2 teaspoon soda 1/4 pound lemon peel 1 cup molasses 1/2 pound butter 6 eggs 1/2 c
  • Burnt Almond Ice Cream
    1 quart thin cream 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 pound browned and sugared almonds, chopped 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • Fruit Cake | 1 pound sugar (brown)
    1 pound sugar (brown) 1 pound butter 12 eggs 1 pound flour 1/2 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon each nutmeg and mace 2 teaspoons cinnamon 2 cups raisins 4 cups currants 4 cups chopped almonds 4 cu
  • Lady Cake | 16 egg whites
    16 egg whites 1 lb sifted sugar 10 ounces butter 3/4 lb sifted flour 3 ounces bitter almonds, blanched 8 Tbsp rose water
  • Almond Frosting
    3 egg whites 3 cups white sugar 1 lb sweet almonds Vanilla extract
  • Almond Cake | 8 eggs, beaten separately
    8 eggs, beaten separately 1 cup sugar 1/2 pound almonds, ground fine
  • Plum Pudding | 1/2 pound suet
    1/2 pound suet 1/2 pound flour 1/2 pound raisins 1/2 pound currants 1/2 pound grated potato 1/2 pound grated carrots 1/2 cup molasses 1/2 teaspoon each ground allspice, and cloves Little black
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