Almonds Recipes Page 37
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- Assorted Opera Fudges
Opera fudge (see Vanilla Opera Fudge recipe) - Stone Cream
Put some preserve, strawberry, raspberry or peach 3 tablespoons of lemon juice 1 pint of cream 3/4 ounce of isinglass Warm milk Wine - Popcorn Candy, No.1 | 1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp butter 3 Tbsps water 1 cup white sugar 3 quarts popped corn - Curried Squash and Mushroom Soup | 2 medium acorn or butternut squash (about 3 cups)
2 medium acorn or butternut squash (about 3 cups) 2.5 c water or stock 1 c orange juice (or a little less) 2 T butter 1/2 c chopped onion 1 medium clove crushed garlic 6 oz mushrooms (half shita - Salted Pecans
1 cup pecan nut meats 1/2 cup cooking oil - Almond Dates
12 dates 1 tablespoon cream 1 teaspoon powdered sugar 1 tablespoon ground, sweet almond - Salted Peanuts
1 cup raw peanuts 1/2 cup cooking oil - Chocolate Coffee Beans
Chocolate coating Fresh roasted coffee beans - Junket Ice Cream with Peaches | 4 cups lukewarm milk
4 cups lukewarm milk 1 cup heavy cream 1 1/4 cups sugar 1/8 teaspoon salt 1 1/2 Junket Tablets 1 tablespoon cold water 1 tablespoon vanilla 1 teaspoon almond extract Green Coloring 1 can pea - Æblekake
3/4 lb dry bread crumbs 2 1/2 lbs apples, pared & sliced 1/4 lb sugar 1 cup milk 1/3 cup butter